One of the largest message boards on the web !



If you are interested in advertising on, contact us for further details.
Rev up your excitement for online gaming by visiting Local Sponsors has had a long relationship with all local advertisers.  We use our knowledge and ability to gain the traffic that advertisers are seeking.  Whether you are a new business wanting to get direct access to the public, or growing your business to gain new ground, we are the community that can help you.  We may have been strictly an automotive community in the past, but that has all changed since those days of just a small community.  We are the largest representatives of western Canada and the greater northwest region of North America.

If you want to grow your business, we are a must and the first step to make.

If you are seeking to advertise on, please send any inquiries to 

Here is brief list of some sponsors.  Please support them and tell them you're from  They will be happy to serve you.

















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*Disclaimer: cannot be held accountable for the actions of its members nor does the opinions of the members represent that of FAQ about sponsors

1. How do I advertise on Revscene?
Its very easy!  Revscene since day one has worked side by side with local sponsors to help them gain that competitive edge, both on the local traffic, and that of the internet traffic.  Its as simple as throwing an email to us here!

2. Why should I advertise on
In the many years, revscene has developed a fairly large internet foot print.  This network will any advertiser the competitive edge to get their name out, gain more traffic to their site/shop, and intern, generate more sales.  No one will know you have a sale on if you don't let anyone know right?

3. Will I get a discount by going to the sponsors?
Each shop will help you out with prices and different things here and there.  It is up to their discretion as to the amount of discount they will give you.