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inv4zn 07-31-2014 04:10 PM

Wait, you're choosing to ignore my questions because my post was too detailed?

But you post things that are 3 times as long, and then accuse the rest of us "ignoring the truth?"

Come on man. You sure it isn't because you don't have an answer?

I kind of expected this outcome, but Charles, I really want to give you a chance. This is your opportunity to prove to the rest of RS that you aren't a crazed hypocrite, who lays out a constant dribble of inane misinformation, and then conveniently label those who disagree as brainwashed zionists or just ignore them outright.

4444 08-01-2014 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge (Post 8510791)
This was not a protest for forum rules if thats what you thought, its about respect for his demeaning way of speech. I also see that you, with your mod powers, may have been the one who removed said word in post 74 without triggering the edited notification.
4444 has already used this word to describe him self in this thread, but to cover up his name calling of me shows the desperation of this forums mods to suppress my protest against isreali crimes.
This is the message I get when clicking into the other thread if anyone is curious

I dont like dealing with clowns and propagandist... all the time. :hotbaby:

man, you're unbelieveable!

you find the term inbred that offensive, yet fruitloop and all the other (somewhat reflective) terms were ok? have i touched a raw nerve?

come on charlie, answer the questions or leave this forum. If you can't respond to a call of action, you should leave. this is your fight or flight moment. which will it be?

i just love how you do, but don't, ignore me :) it's classic

4444 08-04-2014 08:54 AM

is CiC on summer vacation?

or is he working on his masterpiece response for inv4zn?

radioman 08-04-2014 10:02 AM

Maybe he had to take his tinfoil hat off because of the heat and the zionist got to him.

CharlesInCharge 08-05-2014 12:23 AM

You display typical shill behaviour.
The point of the video is to reveal the pattern of images which astonishingly play out the false flag events of 911.
If you have common sense, you would acknowledge this main point or tell me why its not plausible given the amazing evidence.
To detract away into a whirl of accusations, play stupid, and not address the main issue, I will right you off as a shill or bigot with the goal of spamming the thread.

This is a pretty good debate with Kevin Barret.

The Debate - Collateral Damage, Israeli Style




More than 1,822 people, including 400 children, have been killed and over 9,400 injured since July 8, when Israel began its offensive against the Gaza Strip.

While the Israeli military says 64 soldiers have been killed in the conflict, Palestinian resistance movement Hamas puts the fatalities at more than 150

CharlesInCharge 08-05-2014 12:39 AM

False flag alert!
French Report; ISIL Leader Mossad Agent
French Report ISIL Leader Mossad Agent | Veterans Today

Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent.

We offer below three translations that want to assert that the Caliph Al-Baghdadi is a full Mossad agent and that he was born Jewish father and mother:

The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “Simon Elliott.”

The so-called “Elliot” was recruited by the Israeli Mossad and was trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies.

This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published by newspapers and other Web sites: the head of the “Islamic State” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has cooperated with the U.S. Secret Service, British and Israel to create an organization capable of attracting terrorist extremists from around the world.

inv4zn 08-05-2014 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge (Post 8512389)
You display typical shill behaviour.
The point of the video is to reveal the pattern of images which astonishingly play out the false flag events of 911.
If you have common sense, you would acknowledge this main point or tell me why its not plausible given the amazing evidence.
To detract away into a whirl of accusations, play stupid, and not address the main issue, I will right you off as a shill or bigot with the goal of spamming the thread.

You display typical hypocritical fanatic behaviour.
The point of the detailed analyses and posts is to reveal the pattern of idiocy which you astonishingly manage to saturate RS with.
If you have common sense, you would acknowledge this point that a lot of your "proof" is filled with flaws and random bits from random sources, or tell me why what you say is plausible given the amazing lack of actual proof.
To detract away into a whirl of plugging your ears, play stupid, and not addressing valid questions asked, I will right (I think you meant write) you off as a lunatic or dumbass with the goal of spamming RS.

inv4zn 08-05-2014 12:45 AM

...but fine, if you didn't like my questions, I'll ask ask one:

Why would the zionists put preemptive images foreshadowing 9/11 attacks on US currency?

CharlesInCharge 08-05-2014 01:04 AM

I dont know, but if I were to guess... say you are appointing high level Masonic generals and the 911 plots had no flaws for the public to second doubt them.
Revealing the bills showing the false flag will remove any suspicion on who orchestrated the attacks...
The generals would be brainwashed to see that 4000 of "our own" people sacrificed to unleash great wars is "for the greater good" and "the ends justify the means" to control the world and have a one world government.

Like the example Bill Hicks makes on the Kennedy Assassination.

4444 08-05-2014 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge (Post 8512404)
I dont know, but if I were to guess... say you are appointing high level Masonic generals and the 911 plots had no flaws for the public to second doubt them.
Revealing the bills showing the false flag will remove any suspicion on who orchestrated the attacks...
The generals would be brainwashed to see that 4000 of "our own" people sacrificed to unleash great wars is "for the greater good" and "the ends justify the means" to control the world and have a one world government.

Like the example Bill Hicks makes on the Kennedy Assassination.

HEY!!! you leave Bill Hicks the FUCK out of your crack pot theories and tin foil hat stupidity.

Bill Hicks was a genius comedian, a bit tin foily himself, but he never took himself too seriously. you, on the other hand, dismiss all that provide you with rebuttal, like a typical nut job conspiracy theorist.

oh, and you have a real problem with being called inbred. Me thinks we have hit on something there!

4444 08-05-2014 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge (Post 8512395)

FALSE FLAG ALERT!!! two brown looking dudes, one with big beard and turban, other without - SAME FUCKING PERSON!!!!!

i could not tell you if they are the same person or not, i'm sorry, grainy photos of two people with totally different physical appearance (beard, etc) is really hard to conclude on.

you also have to understand that there is a psychological factor in play here - one race finds it harder to decipher differences in other races, the 'they all look alike' phenomena - it's not racism, it's just the brain being used to one's own race's features.

what you have provided, like everything else, is dodgy photos/videos (that are, one by one, being totally discredited) with fantasy words.

if this were true, would be fucking awesome! think about it, the jews starting up a huge islamic movement - that is beyond fantasy, if they could do it, i would applaud them. sadly, i just think it's job fanatics doing the crazy work for ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State, whatever they're going by today.

falcon 08-05-2014 10:59 AM

no no no... but look at the EYEBROWS! They're the same person obvs.

CharlesInCharge 08-05-2014 09:28 PM

Kevin Barret's newly released article!
9/11 probe closing in on Israel


The past week brought three landmark breakthroughs for 9/11 truth. First, Richard Gage AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, made a brilliant appearance on the American public affairs channel C-Span. It was the first time since 2006 that C-Span had given national television coverage to the 9/11 truth movement.


The second 9/11 truth breakthrough this week was the success of the High Rise Safety Initiative in New York City, which would force a new investigation of the obvious (but officially denied) controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. Organizers of the initiative finished gathering the 100,000 signatures they need to override a mayoral veto

Since Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth has acquired WTC-7’s blueprints and found slam-dunk proof of demolition, and since organized crime kingpin Larry Silverstein’s confession to demolishing WTC-7 has become widely known, the new investigation by New York’s Department of Buildings is threatening to rip the lid off the Pandora’s box of 9/11 scandals.


A few days ago Sen. Graham once again spoke out, saying: “None of the people leading this investigation think it is credible that 19 people — most who could not speak English and did not have previous experience in the United States — could carry out such a complicated task without external assistance.” Graham added that a “huge breakthrough” is coming for 9/11 truth.


Mossad agents Paul Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Israelis Yaron Shmuel, and Omer Gavriel Marmari were arrested on the morning of 9/11 as they were filming and celebrating their agency’s handiwork. Though the 9/11-perp Mossad agents failed polygraph tests, Michael Chertoff, a US-Israeli dual citizen then in charge of the FBI’s Criminal Investigation Division, killed the investigation and ordered the “dancing Israelis” sent back to Israel.

Three Israelis were also arrested in New York on 9/11 with a truck load of explosives in an apparent effort to blow up the George Washington Bridge. Chertoff ordered mobbed-up New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to destroy all records of the arrest, and witnesses have been murdered; but the New York Police audio recording of the arrest escaped destruction and can be heard on YouTube.

What a Hamas military parade looks like

CharlesInCharge 08-10-2014 04:38 AM

Biggest London rally yet for Gaza

150,000 march in biggest London rally yet for Gaza

Ken OKieth
Tens of thousands in South Africa protest Israel's military assault on Gaza

CharlesInCharge 08-10-2014 04:44 AM

Rolling coverage of current situation in Gaza

Gordan Duff and Mike Harris

Mark Dankof
The Debate - Israeli War on Gaza

4444 08-10-2014 04:53 AM

Can we just ban this idiot for his constant spamming

Until he answers the valid questions asked, no more spam

And cic, so what if ppl are protesting, what does that mean? Ppl protest, it's what they do. But it's no secret that the more hard line Muslims have actual hate for the Jewish and want them dead (recent rallies with calls of death to Jews, and smashing Jewish stores - classy!)

None of this means anything for ur false flag bullshit, Israel and Hamas are fighting, we know. Muslims hate Jews, this is wrong (any hatred is dumb). 9/11 still happened. Crazy terrorists killed thousands of people. Stop referencing cracker sites like presstv and veterans today or whatever it is.

UR a fucking idiot, spend ur time to improve the world, don't waste ur time with cracker theories. It all doesn't matter. None of us have any power against whatever it is that u think it is suppressing us.

4444 08-10-2014 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by 4444 (Post 8512421)
FALSE FLAG ALERT!!! two brown looking dudes, one with big beard and turban, other without - SAME FUCKING PERSON!!!!!

i could not tell you if they are the same person or not, i'm sorry, grainy photos of two people with totally different physical appearance (beard, etc) is really hard to conclude on.

you also have to understand that there is a psychological factor in play here - one race finds it harder to decipher differences in other races, the 'they all look alike' phenomena - it's not racism, it's just the brain being used to one's own race's features.

what you have provided, like everything else, is dodgy photos/videos (that are, one by one, being totally discredited) with fantasy words.

if this were true, would be fucking awesome! think about it, the jews starting up a huge islamic movement - that is beyond fantasy, if they could do it, i would applaud them. sadly, i just think it's job fanatics doing the crazy work for ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State, whatever they're going by today.

Cic, respond to this please. If not, just leave and stop spamming.

CharlesInCharge 08-11-2014 01:17 PM

Boycott Sony, Starbucks and other companies for supporting Isreal

First, the coverup
Starbucks: We Don't Give Money To Israel 08/07/2014
Starbucks: We Don't Give Money To Israel

The truth
Boycott Israel Campaign

Gaza rocket found with a Sony camera
1:50 mark

A random search found the following
Sony to Invest More Than $100 Million in Israeli Companies
Sony to Invest More Than $100 Million in Israeli Companies | Jewish & Israel News

The words Allah (god) reshaped to resemble dog poop

godwin 08-11-2014 01:20 PM

Please personally do that because, obviously you are not right now.. Intel, AMD, ARM, Apple, Microsoft, Google all have R&D facilities in Israel..

If you do that you won't be posting here.


Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge (Post 8515169)
Boycott Sony, Starbucks and other companies for supporting Isreal

CharlesInCharge 08-11-2014 01:26 PM

Do you like how Starbucks has muscled out all the small mom and pop cafe shops?

On this forum all I get is opposition when posting about the powers that are ruining the planet. Why?
Because people suffer from
cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational
The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational

nabs 08-11-2014 01:29 PM

CiC, can I meet you in person please. I'm serious! You seem like a guy I would like to have a discussion with.

CharlesInCharge 08-11-2014 01:35 PM

Sure buy me a coffee at Starbucks :p jk

I live a 15 minute walk from English Bay, we can chat there if you like... I pretty much have an open schedule. PM me :)

p.s. also expect a folder to open up in your name through state intelligence services :D

nabs 08-11-2014 01:49 PM

LOL, August is pretty busy for me, but im serious. We'll set something up as soon as my calendar clears up.

radioman 08-11-2014 01:53 PM

Hey I'm 15 minutes from English bay as well. I'll bring some beers we can have some fun on the beach!

inv4zn 08-11-2014 04:03 PM

RS CiC meet?

I'm genuinely interested as well.

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