*New* Fashion & Shopping Forum Rules: August 2007
^^ Please abide with the previous rules.
New rules are:
*No "Hook-Up" threads. When looking for items; check out our Buy and Sell Forum; shop around to stores, ebay and online stores; or wait for blowout sales. If you really want it, you would pay the full price for it.
But please do not use RS members to get an employee discount.
*No threads on "how to scam a store" or "how to abuse a return policy". We are here to exchange information and locate hard to find items. Us moderators here do not want to be liable for "teaching" members bad shopping habits.
__________________ Put this on your profile if you know someone who has died of Cancer or whom maybe suffering from it. ----///-\\\---- ---|||---|||--- ---|||---|||--- ---|||---|||--- ----\\\-///---- -----\\///----- ------///\----- -----///\\\---- ----///--\\\----- |