1. personal lending is based on a calculation of current commitments to your income, thus getting a line of credit approved now with your obligations of housing possibly at 0 if living at home as opposed to having a mortgage payment, utilities and property taxes is in fact easier
2. if will not affect your mortgage application, the worse thing that could happen is that your mortgage provider will request for you to close the line of credit/ consolidate any balance into the advance of the mortgage
3. if you put anything over 20% down you have a conventional mortgage as opposed to a high ratio, twofold benefit A- u will save on CMHC fees which is an insurance cost your lender will require to protect against default as there is limited equity, and B - you can likely go into a home equity mortgage
to elaborate - say purchase price of $300,000 20% downpayment ($60,000)
you will have a home equity mortgage limit of $240,000,
as you pay down your mortgage to say $220,000 you will have a $20,000 line of credit against the property as the $240,000 is your approved limit. The allocation does not matter as long as you are within your limit. so eventually you would have a $240,000 secured credit line.