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Oleophobic 03-26-2012 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin (Post 7864515)
Personally, I think they should let her compete. And don't tell me she isn't attractive. 99% of us would look if we saw her walking down the street. The other 1%...well, I got news for you.

spideyv2 03-26-2012 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by MG1 (Post 7864400)
Some people are born "in between" – "intersex condition" and it used to be doctors decided which gender child will be. Some of you guys with ultra small dicks might well be a woman trapped in a man's body.

I'll leave it at that..........

spideyv2 03-26-2012 11:11 PM

PS, I love how SkinnyDick fails me for respectfully throwing my opinion out there.

Please answer this. If you're born with no ovaries, a dick, and a pair of balls, are you still considered a female? And as a straight male, (I think?) would you still fuck it?

inb4 Skinny fails this post without answering any of these questions

boss_clad 03-26-2012 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gridlock (Post 7864283)
Excellent. The world needs more people that can live their lives and let others live theirs. long as they go back to being hidden and closeted and in alleys and out of sight. Sounds "accepting" to me.

And totally called for from such an accepting person.

Dude...I really don't care what your opinion of people actually is. If you want to be homophobic, then go ahead. My biggest pet peeve is the notion that being politically correct means that people that disagree are wrong. It's asking the world, "please be accepting of LBGT people, but I'm not going to be accepting of those that aren't ready to be."

So I fundamentally disagree with your position, but it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is you use the term, "I'm accepting" and then go on a rant about how these "motherfuckers should go back where they came from and stop parading around like they are normal or some shit"

You aren't accepting. You aren't even tolerant. Don't pretend you are.


Originally Posted by Jsunu (Post 7864294)
I dunno man, by denoting someone as "it" you are making them less of a person by not even giving them a male/female descripter.

Hey, it's a guy who became a woman. I honestly don't know what to call it. Obviously I'm not gonna just keep referring to "Tranny"

If I say guy, it's incorrect because he's now a woman.
If I say girl, it's incorrect because he was a man.

"It" seems fitting.

Besides, it was known as "the IT from Windemere" to the people of Richmond.

I don't have a problem with gay marriages, incest, whatever social abnormality that society can throw at me.

But if you see 2 heterosexual people making out on the street, we think:" fuck, that's digusting, GO GET A ROOM", so how is it different when it's 02 people of the same sex tongue wrestling. Don't be so open about it. I have some gay friends, they're pretty cool, but I'd feel uncomfortable with them licking each others faces off in front of me.


Originally Posted by MG1 (Post 7864382)
What would really be cool is if she does win, Canada will be seen as a country that is accepting and understanding - repersented by a person who needed/wanted to be a woman....... everyone has their own opinion and I'm glad you voiced yours.

god bless................

I see your point, and I guess it would be cool, but in Thailand, they have a Miss Tiffany pageant just for trannys, so why wouldn't it compete in a pageant more fitting.

They have all sorts of pageants for all sorts of people, so I just think it's best if people didn't go against the grain, it sends the wrong message sometimes.

bballguy 03-26-2012 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by boss_clad (Post 7865298)
I don't have a problem with gay marriages, incest, whatever social abnormality that society can throw at me.

Whoa whoa whoa, back up a few steps here......You don't have a problem with incest!?!? Are you shitting me!?!?!? :heckno:......


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865202)
I'm sorry but this makes zero fucking sense....First, you are acknowledging a transgender as being the sex that they changed to....Then you are referring to them as homosexuals as well...How on earth does that make sense??????

So to make things clear, you want me to refer to this individual, who was born as a male but went through certain procedures to make said individual more feminin, a female. Yet, you are telling me that they are STILL homosexuals AFTER the procedures..............MY MIND IS FULL OF FUCK!!!:fulloffuck:

I'm waiting for some responses to this...seemed like the thread died down a bit after I made this post....

Jermyzy 03-26-2012 11:31 PM

I think this is the key part of the article

"Denis Davila, the national director of Miss Universe Canada, says she was dropped from the competition because the rules state contestants must be "naturally born female" and that she lied on her application. "

boss_clad 03-26-2012 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by MindBomber (Post 7864684)
It's sad that people like you continue to exist, you're no better than racists demanding a segregated school system. I'll never understand the way your mind works and cannot begin to comprehend why you're so homophobic, but I feel very sorry for you. I can't imagine living with the burden of feeling such incredible and illogical hate must feel like...

Thankfully, I believe people like you will no longer exist in a century.

You don't even understand the point I'm trying to make. I don't even need to say much to you, you can't even fully comprehend and analyze what's being said before running your mouth.

Nice to know you only took out bits and pieces out of my GRAY argument and generalized me as bad person.

Unfortunately, people like you will always exist.

boss_clad 03-26-2012 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865307)
Whoa whoa whoa, back up a few steps here......You don't have a problem with incest!?!? Are you shitting me!?!?!? :heckno:......

I don't have a problem with ANYTHING, as long as people aren't affecting other people with their pursuit of happiness.

bballguy 03-26-2012 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by boss_clad (Post 7865345)
I don't have a problem with ANYTHING, as long as people aren't affecting other people with their pursuit of happiness.

You do know what happens when incest leads to reproduction, right?...

SkinnyPupp 03-26-2012 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by jayare604 (Post 7865297)
PS, I love how SkinnyDick fails me for respectfully throwing my opinion out there.

Please answer this. If you're born with no ovaries, a dick, and a pair of balls, are you still considered a female? And as a straight male, (I think?) would you still fuck it?

inb4 Skinny fails this post without answering any of these questions

You call that being respectful? You are missing the whole point that being born "with a dick" is not the same as being born a male or female. You know that but decided to vomit up your disrespectful post, that's why it got a fail. The fact that you actually think you were being "respectful" makes it a double fail and is completely :fulloffuck:

SkinnyPupp 03-26-2012 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865350)
You do know what happens when incest leads to reproduction, right?...

Japan happens. Or any small or isolated population group on earth in the last 2 million years or so. Your point?

spideyv2 03-27-2012 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7865361)
You call that being respectful? You are missing the whole point that being born "with a dick" is not the same as being born a male or female. You know that but decided to vomit up your disrespectful post, that's why it got a fail. The fact that you actually think you were being "respectful" makes it a double fail and is completely :fulloffuck:

Okay, sorry..I should have said "she's technically born a guy." Which is true.

Whatever, there's no right or wrongs, it's all personal feelings/opinions.

bballguy 03-27-2012 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7865363)
Japan happens. Or any small or isolated population group on earth in the last 2 million years or so. Your point?

Are you being serious??.....Do you have any idea how much the chances of diseases/disorders increase through inbreeding??.....

MindBomber 03-27-2012 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by boss_clad (Post 7865337)
You don't even understand the point I'm trying to make. I don't even need to say much to you, you can't even fully comprehend and analyze what's being said before running your mouth.

Nice to know you only took out bits and pieces out of my GRAY argument and generalized me as bad person.

Unfortunately, people like you will always exist.

If I don't understand the point you're trying to make, that's entirely on you. Most everyone who has read your posts would agree that you are homophobic and intolerant, so clearly that's the impression you conveyed.

You're telling me that you're uncomfortable with watching people make out, I don't understand how being gay or transgender has anything to do with it. The fact that you refer to being gay as a social abnormality is also quite telling.

MindBomber 03-27-2012 12:28 AM

Here's one very simple fact.

If you refuse to refer to her as her, despite knowing she's gone through an intense series of operations, hormone therapy and most importantly, has mentally identified female from birth, your're intolerant. All of us know she was born male, but choose to accept that she identifies as female given the lengths she has gone through to achieve that status. I'd like to like in a world where all people are accepted for who they believe they are, instead of imposing society's perceptions onto them...

In her position, how would you feel to be classified as an it? or referred to as a tranny?

Don't hide behind science, because justifying referring to her as an "it" through those means sounds no different than saying being gay is unnatural since we're genetically not programmed for it.

bballguy 03-27-2012 12:46 AM

You guys keep saying "mentally identified female at birth" does that even mean?? Who is identifying the individual as mentally female??

StylinRed 03-27-2012 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by MindBomber (Post 7865387)
Don't hide behind science, because justifying referring to her as an "it" through those means sounds no different than saying being gay is unnatural since we're genetically not programmed for it.

yes.... DOWN WITH SCIENCE!!!! lol considering u're avatar i wonder if you're trolling lol

back on topic.. Conan O'Brien was even talking about this story tonight he made a joke about the producers figuring out that she was a male when they saw her talent was called 'hide the penis'

SkinnyPupp 03-27-2012 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865368)
Are you being serious??.....Do you have any idea how much the chances of diseases/disorders increase through inbreeding??.....

Do you know what inbreeding even is?

MindBomber 03-27-2012 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865402)
You guys keep saying "mentally identified female at birth" does that even mean?? Who is identifying the individual as mentally female??

She self identifies as female.

In her mind, she is and has always been female and was simply born into the wrong body.


Originally Posted by stylinred
yes.... DOWN WITH SCIENCE!!!! lol considering u're avatar i wonder if you're trolling lol

I'm glad at least one person recognizes the man in my avatar.

I'm not saying down with science and never would. Science has almost all the answers, but not everything is clearly defined enough for technical definitions and mathematical formulas to provide the answer. Human sexuality certainly fits into that category.

The best example I can think of is referring to someone who is gay in a derogatory manner, because humans did not evolve to attempt a reproductive activity with another person of the same gender. Human sexuality happens to be something conventional science is not able to map.

bballguy 03-27-2012 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by MindBomber (Post 7865417)
She self identifies as female.

In her mind, she is and has always been female and was simply born into the wrong body.

Okay, so you have stated that "she" mentally identified "herself" as a female at birth...So when "she" came out of "her" mother's womb, "she" identified "herself" as a female? Is that what you are telling me?...

SkinnyPupp 03-27-2012 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865422)
Okay, so you have stated that "she" mentally identified "herself" as a female at birth...So when "she" came out of "her" mother's womb, "she" identified "herself" as a female? Is that what you are telling me?...

You're finally starting to get it! Of course you can't ask a newborn if they think they are male or female, but if you could, then yes, she would have said female.

bballguy 03-27-2012 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7865424)
You're finally starting to get it! Of course you can't ask a newborn if they think they are male or female, but if you could, then yes, she would have said female.

How is that possible when children don't even start to develop a sense of being a male or female until the age of around 2-3??.....

MindBomber 03-27-2012 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by bballguy (Post 7865427)
How is that possible when children don't even start to develop a sense of being a male or female until the age of around 2-3??.....

At the point where gender identity was established, she identified as female, not male, despite being born into a male body.

I don't think that's something that the majority of people can relate too, and often times being able to relate to something can be a prerequisite to understanding it. I can relate to the feeling, since I have a more feminine than masculine personality, although I'm quite happy physically being male.

bballguy 03-27-2012 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by MindBomber (Post 7865431)
At the point where gender identity was established, she identified as female, not male, despite being born into a male body.

Gotchya; Also found this wiki article which explains it a lot better: Gender identity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A gender identity is one's private sense of being a man or a woman, and consists primarily of the acceptance of membership in a particular group of people: male or female. Basic gender identity is usually formed by age three and is extremely difficult to change after that. All societies have a set of gender categories that can serve as the basis of the formation of a social identity in relation to other members of society. In most societies, there is a basic division between gender attributes assigned to males and females. In all societies, however, some individuals do not identify with the gender that is assigned to their biological sex. Some societies have so-called third gender categories that can be used as a basis for a gender identity by people who are uncomfortable with the gender that is usually associated with their sex. Other cultures employ processes of surgical or hormonal sex reassignment to bring people's biological characteristics in line with their gender identity. In other societies, membership of either of the gender categories is open to people regardless of biological sex. It is an open question why the gender identities of some people conform or do not conform to the majority pattern, while others may not identify with any of the given gender categories. Whether these differences are a product of nature or nurture has been a contentious topic in the social and biological sciences. It is still an open question to what extent genetic versus social factors play a role in determining the gender identities of individuals.

Anjew 03-27-2012 01:53 AM

i cant imagine all those people in the past hiding that all their lives out of fear.

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