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Gridlock 10-16-2013 02:24 PM here's a question.

Is the My Top Tier Business a business that people can join that allows them to sell the My Top Tier Business?

And I think we can all respect that a "guarantee" like that is what we think it is.."yes, we ask you to pay $2000, but we're willing to give you back $500 if it doesn't work out for you"

THAT doesn't look pretty, so we call it a partial money back guarantee. But my question in bold, I think would clear a lot of this up.

TTZ 10-16-2013 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Acura604 (Post 8340250)
...time for me to chime in on this and the above posting... since I sorta started this thread lol.

OK.. Speedstar:
NOTE: in order to qualify for that $500, you MUST have tried all steps of the program. I believe step 7 is to purchase a $2000 license to continue. So where does that leave you? do you continue after making that 2k investment or eat your losses and say goodbye to $1500?

...and John, correct me if I am wrong on the above.

Secondly, is John moving away from the blogging concept and entering this sort of scheme where the 'audience' get so hyped up about making oodles of money but its not guaranteed.

however, like Ronin pointed out above.. 'hey it's not my money... who really cares?'.

I just don't agree with the concept and that is all.

The 21-step MTTB course is free. We charge a $49 application as a gate keeper to find the serious people. The course explain how the system works, the concept and methods involved. They are assigned a personal coach to work with them and answer questions.

If the person like what he learns and decide this is something he wants to do, he'll be offer an opportunity to purchase a license for the system at Step 6. The license allows him to sell the 3 dozen plus products in the catalog, get access to the marketing material, additional training, etc. The cost of a license is $1,997. If the person gets this license and continues with the step and he fails to make $1,000 by the 30 day period, then he would get $500 cash. He still keeps the license and can still continue to make money with the system.

If he decides not to get a license, he has two choices. He can say "no, thanks" and his application fee will be refunded, or he can continue the training without getting a license but he will give up the $500 guarantee. At the end of the 21 steps, he can decide whether to buy a license, or refund the application fee.

El Bastardo 10-16-2013 03:51 PM

So yeah, he can wave goodbye to $1500

Ronin 10-16-2013 04:26 PM

He's rich in that he lives in the OC and doesn't have to actually "work" and can spend all that time with his family or having fun.

He's not rich in that he still gets me to pick his ass up from the airport every time he comes back to Vancouver instead of renting a limo!

RDot604 10-16-2013 04:27 PM

Lol...John Chow is pretty legit. He wouldnt just go into something or promote something if it was garbage. The problem is people relate Pyramid scheme to being a bad thing. Sometimes its a scam and sometimes it isnt. You have to do your research and check out reviews. This isnt some get rich quick thing. You actually have to work at it after learning the 21 steps. It goes like this:

-Pay $49 "filter" fee to get access to the 21 steps. These 21 steps will teach you how to promote and advertise products.As well as building a list, how the system works, wtc. At the same time, giving you a business mindset. (you can get your money back if you are not satisfied)

-After you finish the 21 steps, You can do your own thing and work your internet marketing magic with what you've learned or you can pay the $1997 and have your own sales phone team, one on one coach and access to numerous software that help you advance in the field. The idea is to build a list. This company because they do a lot of the dirty work for you as in closing the sales for you and giving you a coach with whom you can contact with any questions or concerns.

Thats what Ive been doing now for about a month and half. I got a blog going because I am committed to it and want to build my list. Thats how it works. MTTB just makes it easier for you. In no way is it shady or a scam. $49 is like a learning tool and the $1997 is basically a license to gain access to the software and tools.

Hondaracer 10-16-2013 04:40 PM

IMO no one that needs help setting up a word press blog is going to do much with it.

I have no problem with the structure of this whole thing persay, and I'm also of the mind of good on people for doing their thing and making the cake

What I have somewhat of an issue with is that this whole thing is promoted as if it worked for me, it can work for you! type deal, I guess if your into it enough that your willing to dish out the money to do so nothing is stopping those people from handing over their $46 or whatever but to think anymore than a single digit percentage ever get anywhere with this is would be misconceived IMO, and that's where the pyramid scheme perception comes from seemingly
Posted via RS Mobile

noclue 10-16-2013 05:05 PM

For all the young innocent RSers or RSers desperate for money.

Not exactly what this MTTB is but similar. Found this good explanation on reddit.

In a situation like this, math is your friend. So just do the math:
Say to make a minimum commitment to the program, and to advance to the second tier of this chain of fools, you'd have to sign up at least 12 friends and family for the company's services (they're technically a telecom reseller), who'd also have to sign up at least 12 more friends each to get you to the third level, who'd have to each sign up twelve more, and so on.

So in order for you to get just six levels up the chain - which is pretty minimal, as some MLMs contain a dozen or more tiers - your personal pyramid of sellers and subsellers would have to sign up a total of 126 , or 2,985,984 households, without duplication. Which means that, on behalf of just one of many, many competing telecom resellers, like Comwave - who are, let's face it, all fighting for just the few crumbs of market share actually left on the table by the Big Three - just you and your personal pyramid would have to sign up roughly 95% of all households in both BC and Alberta (3,165,000) ... Again, all in order for just you, and nobody else, to make it to Level 6, and to start making "the big bucks" the seminar holders undoubtedly pitched to you.

But wait! Now, given there were about 800 people just at this one seminar you attended, let's say a mere one-tenth of them actually sign on - by MLM standards, a dismal hook rate. Now there are 79 other people forming their own pyramids, all of which are now competing with you for signups! And for all 80 of you to get to the top of your individual 6-level pyramids, you would have to - again without duplication - sign up more than 240 million households, or roughly twice the number of households than there are in the US and Canada, combined.

And remember, that's if just one in ten attendees of one seminar sign up - again, by MLM standards, an abject recruitment failure, one that didn't even justify renting the room. And again, we're just arbitrarily saying that Level Six is the top tier; there could be many more, each adding another exponent of 12 to the total number of signups required for you to reach the top level.

Disappointing, right? Just you wait: now multiply those 80 Vancouver recruits by ten, because the company's actually holding seminars in each of the ten largest cities in the nation, from Toronto (pop 2.6M) to Hamilton (pop 520K). Now you get a total of 2.4 billion households that need to be signed up by 800 pyramids, again without duplication, to a single telecom reseller. Assuming a worldwide average of 3 people per household, that's more households than there are on the entire surface of the globe.

But let's say the seminars do better than that: let's assume that instead of a dismal 10% signup rate, the seminars hook 25% of attendees, and that there are 20 seminars in total, including pretty decent recruiting pools like Surrey, Regina and Halifax. That means not just 800 pyramids are fighting to sign up all the world's 2.4 billion households, but 20,000 separate pyramids, all fighting with each other to sign people up. Well, you get the picture, I'm sure.

So while your friend's friend may be making money because (a) he got in early enough, and because (b) his pyramid, although still only one or two tiers high, has a very broad base, it's pretty much a given that today, you won't be able to duplicate his success. So relax and don't waste any more of your time. More importantly, don't give them a fucking dime, because they're scam artists who are preying mercilessly on their recruits. The entire scheme will undoubtedly collapse under its own weight very soon, as their recruits eventually realized they're paying tons of money for "training" materials and seminars, with no offsetting income to show for it.

Red flags:
They are not to the point. A good business takes 30 seconds tops to explain. MLMs will dilly dally for an hour or so.
They have rehearsed speech about why it isn't a pyramid scheme

The words/phrases "opportunity," "own business," "network marketing" are thrown around.

You have to spend more than $0.00 to get started.

For your consideration.

SkinnyPupp 10-16-2013 05:14 PM

^ appropriate username

TTZ 10-16-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by El Bastardo (Post 8340341)
So yeah, he can wave goodbye to $1500

Actually, no. The license is refundable. He wouldn't be out any money.

RDot604 10-16-2013 05:19 PM

Would it not be like Realtor? You gotta pay to take a program/course to get your license. You have to build your client base from scratch. The first year is always the hardest, but you gotta put in the work to see results like anything. I dont believe they are making false claims.

Manic! 10-16-2013 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin (Post 8340367)
He's rich in that he lives in the OC and doesn't have to actually "work" and can spend all that time with his family or having fun.

He's not rich in that he still gets me to pick his ass up from the airport every time he comes back to Vancouver instead of renting a limo!

But he does work.

$49 to access 21 steps then sell the on ebay for 1/2 price? :considered:

like the reverse trunk plans people use to sell.

Gridlock 10-16-2013 06:23 PM

Hi! Long-time listener, first time caller.

I was wondering if you could answer my question? Just needs one word.

Thanks a bunch! Love the show.


Originally Posted by Gridlock (Post 8340271)
Is the My Top Tier Business a business that people can join that allows them to sell the My Top Tier Business?

El Bastardo 10-16-2013 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by TTZ (Post 8340403)
Actually, no. The license is refundable. He wouldn't be out any money.

So wait, you corrected me with a direct answer to the question (I'll own being wrong, btw. I'll admit I was confused) but couldn't do so without further promoting your business? Why couldn't you do that to the original question?

I suggest that you contact You have provided enough links and enough explanation to get people "interested" in what you are doing here. Loads of sizzle, very little steak, all of that.
I'm sure that you've gained at least one or two downlines from this thread and I think it needs to end now.
With the money you're raking in, signing an advertising contract with Blitzgear to shill here on Revscene is probably pocket change for you.

TTZ 10-16-2013 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by noclue (Post 8340392)
For all the young innocent RSers or RSers desperate for money.

Not exactly what this MTTB is but similar. Found this good explanation on reddit.

In a situation like this, math is your friend. So just do the math:
Say to make a minimum commitment to the program, and to advance to the second tier of this chain of fools, you'd have to sign up at least 12 friends and family for the company's services (they're technically a telecom reseller), who'd also have to sign up at least 12 more friends each to get you to the third level, who'd have to each sign up twelve more, and so on.

So in order for you to get just six levels up the chain - which is pretty minimal, as some MLMs contain a dozen or more tiers - your personal pyramid of sellers and subsellers would have to sign up a total of 126 , or 2,985,984 households, without duplication. Which means that, on behalf of just one of many, many competing telecom resellers, like Comwave - who are, let's face it, all fighting for just the few crumbs of market share actually left on the table by the Big Three - just you and your personal pyramid would have to sign up roughly 95% of all households in both BC and Alberta (3,165,000) ... Again, all in order for just you, and nobody else, to make it to Level 6, and to start making "the big bucks" the seminar holders undoubtedly pitched to you.

But wait! Now, given there were about 800 people just at this one seminar you attended, let's say a mere one-tenth of them actually sign on - by MLM standards, a dismal hook rate. Now there are 79 other people forming their own pyramids, all of which are now competing with you for signups! And for all 80 of you to get to the top of your individual 6-level pyramids, you would have to - again without duplication - sign up more than 240 million households, or roughly twice the number of households than there are in the US and Canada, combined.

And remember, that's if just one in ten attendees of one seminar sign up - again, by MLM standards, an abject recruitment failure, one that didn't even justify renting the room. And again, we're just arbitrarily saying that Level Six is the top tier; there could be many more, each adding another exponent of 12 to the total number of signups required for you to reach the top level.

Disappointing, right? Just you wait: now multiply those 80 Vancouver recruits by ten, because the company's actually holding seminars in each of the ten largest cities in the nation, from Toronto (pop 2.6M) to Hamilton (pop 520K). Now you get a total of 2.4 billion households that need to be signed up by 800 pyramids, again without duplication, to a single telecom reseller. Assuming a worldwide average of 3 people per household, that's more households than there are on the entire surface of the globe.

But let's say the seminars do better than that: let's assume that instead of a dismal 10% signup rate, the seminars hook 25% of attendees, and that there are 20 seminars in total, including pretty decent recruiting pools like Surrey, Regina and Halifax. That means not just 800 pyramids are fighting to sign up all the world's 2.4 billion households, but 20,000 separate pyramids, all fighting with each other to sign people up. Well, you get the picture, I'm sure.

So while your friend's friend may be making money because (a) he got in early enough, and because (b) his pyramid, although still only one or two tiers high, has a very broad base, it's pretty much a given that today, you won't be able to duplicate his success. So relax and don't waste any more of your time. More importantly, don't give them a fucking dime, because they're scam artists who are preying mercilessly on their recruits. The entire scheme will undoubtedly collapse under its own weight very soon, as their recruits eventually realized they're paying tons of money for "training" materials and seminars, with no offsetting income to show for it.

Red flags:
They are not to the point. A good business takes 30 seconds tops to explain. MLMs will dilly dally for an hour or so.
They have rehearsed speech about why it isn't a pyramid scheme

The words/phrases "opportunity," "own business," "network marketing" are thrown around.

You have to spend more than $0.00 to get started.

For your consideration.

Your username is very appropriate. MTTB is not a MLM. But thanks for the math lesson.

BTW - the US gov tried to use your math in their case against Amway. The gov lost. But I'm not going to tell you why the math is flawed because of the appropriateness of your username.

SkinnyPupp 10-16-2013 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by El Bastardo (Post 8340464)
So wait, you corrected me with a direct answer to the question (I'll own being wrong, btw. I'll admit I was confused) but couldn't do so without further promoting your business? Why couldn't you do that to the original question?

Really? Because this is what he said:


Originally Posted by TTZ (Post 8340403)
Actually, no. The license is refundable. He wouldn't be out any money.

John is answering every question thrown his way.. if people don't want to know more, they just need to stop asking. The thread will eventually move down to the bottom, then page 2.

The haters keep bumping it too, so you can blame them too

El Bastardo 10-16-2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8340474)
Really? Because this is what he said:

John is answering every question thrown his way.. if people don't want to know more, they just need to stop asking. The thread will eventually move down to the bottom, then page 2.

The haters keep bumping it too, so you can blame them too

I meant to say "answer the question to the guy who originally asked it"

Listen, like I said before; I get that you're part of this whole... kind.. of lifestyle or something. But this thread has crossed a line and it is pretty obvious it has become a promotional tool for his business. Unless he is willing to throw a couple of dollars to the Revscene coffers for all of the traffic he is receiving thanks to this thread, this should not continue.

TTZ 10-16-2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Gridlock (Post 8340455)
Hi! Long-time listener, first time caller.

I was wondering if you could answer my question? Just needs one word.

Thanks a bunch! Love the show.

The license allows them to sell all the products, including the license itself. If a licensee refers a new licensee, he will get a head hunting fee plus 5% royalties on the new licensee's business for life. Refer enough licensees and you can make a decent passive income.

I've been doing this type of affiliate marketing for years. For example. My email list provider, Aweber, gives me 30% of the bill on any customer I refer to them. Over the years, I've referred 1000's of people to Aweber and I make 30% every month. The biggest account I referred, the guy's list has gotten so big that his bill is over $3,000 a month, and I make 30% of that. To this very day, I don't know who that guy is.

SkinnyPupp 10-16-2013 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by El Bastardo (Post 8340477)
Listen, like I said before; I get that you're part of this whole... kind.. of lifestyle or something.

I'm not at all actually

Originally Posted by El Bastardo (Post 8340477)
Unless he is willing to throw a couple of dollars to the Revscene coffers for all of the traffic he is receiving thanks to this thread, this should not continue.

Revscene benefits from a busy thread too, even if others benefit from it as well. We can't chase away every company with "whenever someone brings up your company, you gotta pay us to talk about it". and "we can only discuss sponsors unless it's in a negative light". People need to be able to discuss what they want, even if it's a topic the admins don't personally like. As long as it's not outright spam, it should be allowed. People keep asking about the business, because obviously there is a lot of misinformation out there (people calling it a pyramid or MLM). He keeps answering.. when people lose interest, there will be nothing for him to answer. Revscene benefits in that people keep coming back to check the thread (which is quickly approaching 8000 views).

But that should be a discussion for a meeting with the admins. Because if we have a policy of shutting down busy threads because we don't like the message, it needs to be discussed further.

RDot604 10-16-2013 07:07 PM

Lol...This is just entertainment for most of us.

meme405 10-16-2013 09:31 PM

This is a pyramid scheme...

You can call it blogging and selling advertising for blogs and a hundred other things, but the main business I see in this thread is the goal to sign more people up onto your system. Then to eventually get those people to sign other people up.

"Building a list...", lol wtf is that?


Zoidberg 10-16-2013 09:32 PM

^ You know it's a good thread when RDot64 posts in this after 4 years of not posting :fullofwin:

meme405 10-16-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by TTZ (Post 8340478)
The license allows them to sell all the products, including the license itself. If a licensee refers a new licensee, he will get a head hunting fee plus 5% royalties on the new licensee's business for life. Refer enough licensees and you can make a decent passive income.

I've been doing this type of affiliate marketing for years. For example. My email list provider, Aweber, gives me 30% of the bill on any customer I refer to them. Over the years, I've referred 1000's of people to Aweber and I make 30% every month. The biggest account I referred, the guy's list has gotten so big that his bill is over $3,000 a month, and I make 30% of that. To this very day, I don't know who that guy is.

As said above, what is the other products besides the book, and the system?

This link sums MTTB in my eyes perfectly:

RFlush 10-16-2013 09:46 PM

Can skinnypupp or John chow please help explain to be how this MTTB is different than Lyoness or are they essentially the same?

I see John used Amway as an example, is his product similar to Amway as well?
Posted via RS Mobile

Grim 10-16-2013 09:55 PM

where can i sign up and be a millionaire?
Cause last time i checked, all the people i know from these bullshit schemes are still driving shit boxes, selling junk, praising their lord and promising THEMSELVES that they will be rich.

where as me, i just work my normal job, do my normal things and somehow... 3-5years later, I seem to have more then the rest of the idiots out there.

TTZ 10-16-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by El Bastardo (Post 8340464)
So wait, you corrected me with a direct answer to the question (I'll own being wrong, btw. I'll admit I was confused) but couldn't do so without further promoting your business? Why couldn't you do that to the original question?

The reason is because in practice that never happens. If someone is making money with the MTTB license, even if it's less than the $1,000 in 30 days, he won't refund it because it's proof that the system works.

Let's say you follow all the steps and only made $250 in 30 days. You'll get $500 which brings you to $750. Are you going to quit and ask for a refund? If so, then you will be the first. Everyone else will keep going because even if they stay at $250 a month, they'll be in the black in a few months. Compare that to the average business that takes years just to break even.

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