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MG1 08-19-2007 11:41 AM

AE at the VCEC (2009)
Anybody go to this thing?

As usual, I end up being the dad who gives the kids and their friends rides to weird events. I actually went to see a few things and was pretty impressed with all the stuff at this anime conference. Saw some mild cosplay. Didn't have this kind of stuff back in my day. 3 days of no sleep but to play games and stuff..... not my thing.

Should have taken some photos, but then I'd be seen as some kind of Master Roshi perv.

!Shuya80 08-19-2007 02:00 PM

friend was a voulenteer coordinator for it...must've been pretty big because i haven't heard from him for days.

MG1 08-19-2007 02:41 PM

It's a 72 hour marathon. One of the local anime clubs in attendance is called "The Vancouver Sleep is for Wimps Anime Team". My eldest is volunteering at the AE, as well. Living off Ichibankan take out and popping stay-awake pills.

Just got back from dropping off my other two kids and saw a whole bunch of Inuyasha cosplay characters in the parking lot. Some of these people must spend a small fortune on their costumes. I guess it's like Trekkies or those Rocky Horror fanatics from my generation.

Seamo 08-19-2007 03:21 PM

saw it too on friday when visiting a few friends on campus.

kinda weird cuz u see ugly chicks in school girls outfit or in some weird/half ass costumes that look like crap.

not really my thing though i like gundam kits :D

BaoXu 08-19-2007 04:39 PM

lol @ gundam kits

misteranswer 08-19-2007 05:28 PM

It's some of the oddest people.

Some of them need to shower.

And only the crazy people actually stay overnight. There's like maybe 20 or so of them.

SiNzz 08-19-2007 06:44 PM

I was up there trying to snag some used textbooks and I saw them setting it up. Initially I was excited that something big was happening until I learned it was the anime convention. I should try to force myself to like anime I guess :p

KO7 08-19-2007 07:13 PM

It always looks weird to me seeing non-Asians dressed up in Anime cosplay. I'm not saying they can't pull it off, but it is extremely rare when they do.

Ax2-Y 08-19-2007 08:04 PM

i play a varsity sport at sfu and one of the highlights of the summer is this anime thing... the walk from b-lot to the changerooms is always an... experience...

today i was walking though when i came across the ugliest, fattest, fishnet wearing, tail having, broad i have ever seen. i literally stopped walking and took a photo of her on my phone.
i probably looked like such a jackass. i also took a photo of a kid in a giant domo-kun costume, that one was kinda sweet.

this morning there was also a big game of capture the flag in convo mall.. mario was playing some stellar defence for one team, while an 8 foot alice (from wonderland) was organizing an effective offensive strategy for them. meanwhile, a bunch of commandos and a wizard were the big time ringers on the other team. intense action.

i got the worst second hand embarrassment. i got out of there asap.

Kagemusha 08-19-2007 08:11 PM


Originally posted by KO7
It always looks weird to me seeing non-Asians dressed up in Anime cosplay. I'm not saying they can't pull it off, but it is extremely rare when they do.
FAT white chics should be BANNED from dressing up as Sailor Scouts.

When you're 5'3 and 250 lbs, you are NOT...i repeat...NOT..Sailor Mars! ARE Mars.

MG1 08-19-2007 08:22 PM


Originally posted by Seamo
kinda weird cuz u see ugly chicks in school girls outfit or in some weird/half ass costumes that look like crap.
Yes, there were some really poor ones, but among them were some pretty good ones. Doesn't matter, they all looked like they had great fun and that's what matters, I guess. Some pretty good gamers showed up for the tournaments from what I heard.

enrai 08-19-2007 08:36 PM


Originally posted by Kagemusha

When you're 5'3 and 250 lbs, you are NOT...i repeat...NOT..Sailor Mars! ARE Mars.


MG1 08-19-2007 08:41 PM


Originally posted by Seamo
not really my thing though i like gundam kits :D
Lots of Gundam models and kits were on sale for real cheap. Had to have a pass to be in the vendor's area, though. That's why the hard core collectors and enthusiasts volunteer at AE. They get free pass and gifts.

The conference is more than just the people dressed up in costumes. There are sessions and presenters at the conference.

Anyway, I'm starting to sound like a promoter, lol.

SlayerS_`BoxeR` 08-19-2007 08:43 PM

I rather go to Blizzcon 2007 =)

sexyaccord 08-19-2007 09:10 PM


Originally posted by SlayerS_`BoxeR`
I rather go to Blizzcon 2007 =)
more info?

AE was alrite, tons of people though

SlayerS_`BoxeR` 08-19-2007 09:11 PM


Originally posted by sexyaccord
more info?

AE was alrite, tons of people though

It was like in Late-July or Early-Aug somewhere in California(I think?)

Girl 08-19-2007 09:13 PM

Graeme_S is AE staff, he'll tell you all about it.

I volunteered there last was like stepping into another world...but the concert they had was pretty friggin' awesome. :D

MG1 08-19-2007 09:30 PM


Originally posted by Girl
Graeme_S is AE staff, he'll tell you all about it.

I volunteered there last was like stepping into another world...but the concert they had was pretty friggin' awesome. :D

Didn't know that....... if that's the case, Graeme_S, you guys did a fantastic job. Getting bigger and better every year. My kids loved it.

Razor Ramon HG 08-19-2007 10:50 PM

Here I am thinking of American Eagle.

!Shuya80 08-20-2007 12:48 AM


I wonder if anyone dressed up as a transformer for fun...i remeber seeing a video of guys that actually could transform from the truck to optimus prime and back was pretty interesting...

misteranswer 08-20-2007 01:29 AM


Originally posted by KO7
It always looks weird to me seeing non-Asians dressed up in Anime cosplay. I'm not saying they can't pull it off, but it is extremely rare when they do.
I'm not sure how it was during the day, but at night, it was mostly caucasian people that were there.

Good_KarMa 08-20-2007 01:40 AM


Originally posted by 89blkcivic
Lots of Gundam models and kits were on sale for real cheap. Had to have a pass to be in the vendor's area, though. That's why the hard core collectors and enthusiasts volunteer at AE. They get free pass and gifts.

The conference is more than just the people dressed up in costumes. There are sessions and presenters at the conference.

Anyway, I'm starting to sound like a promoter, lol.

aww man i need some gundam kits..... ive never been able to finish 1.

Seamo 08-20-2007 01:43 AM


Originally posted by 89blkcivic
Lots of Gundam models and kits were on sale for real cheap. Had to have a pass to be in the vendor's area, though. That's why the hard core collectors and enthusiasts volunteer at AE. They get free pass and gifts.

damn! i bought crap load when i was in HK for pretty damn cheap. I found the gundams here are pretty expensive. Guess i might attend next year for like a day haha

Graeme S 08-20-2007 07:36 AM

I'll post when I've recovered.

89, thanks for the compliment--this year I was vice chair and it was my last year for awhile. As much as I go crazy over the con, I really will miss it...but yeah. Fucking nuts. I'll see if I can post some of the good, the...well, no. With cosplay, there is just good and ugly.

Keep your eyes open.

meepmeepdeath 08-20-2007 07:57 AM

this thread needs pics now !

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