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Graeme S 11-04-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by PiuYi (Post 8354067)

Or just buy a tape measure first.

fliptuner 11-04-2013 08:13 PM

Just a heads up that WSOP Final Table is on TSN2 right now.

rsx 11-04-2013 08:18 PM

Another shooting in NJ Mall. No casualties, gunman on the loose.

StylinRed 11-04-2013 09:05 PM

car got impounded noooooooooooo, lent it to my cousin fuuuuuuuuu
Posted via RS Mobile

bobola 11-04-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by v_tec (Post 8353874)
North Burnaby area....any where for photocopying beside Staple's pricing?

What size?
try fedex kinkos or ups store!

dinosaur 11-04-2013 10:28 PM

Dozens of Deadly Spiders Burst from Banana As Woman Prepares to Eat It

So, my daily breakfast is ruined forever.

No lie, I'd pack my shit and move. I'd never be able to sleep in my house again. Set the fucker on fire and start a new life.

inv4zn 11-04-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by tomatogunk (Post 8353985)
anyone have any advice regarding UPS brokerage fees?

2 weeks ago I left my iPad at the hotel where I stayed at in Seattle. Fortunately enough, housekeeping turned it in and sent it back to me in Canada. Today I got a notice from UPS saying that the brokerage fees amounted to $70, which I find ridiculous because 1) I already paid for shipping 2) It's a $200 item which isn't really quite worth paying the extra $70 for it. Need I mention that when I bought the iPad last year, I had it shipped to Blaine and was charged $40-ish worth of taxes by the CBSA upon crossing the border. I still have these documents which reflect the iPad's serial #. Would presenting this document refrain me from having to pay the ridiculous brokerage fees?

Call them, swear at them for charging fucked up amounts for brokerage fees, explain your situation, swear some more, and tell them return to sender.

Call the hotel back and tell them you'll pick it up yourself, take a small gift to the honest people who actually turned it in.

*edit: you can also try this method; found on RFD.

Lomac 11-04-2013 11:08 PM

I'm sure it's a repost, but it's still a great video. :fullofwin:

MG1 11-05-2013 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by dinosaur (Post 8354226)
Dozens of Deadly Spiders Burst from Banana As Woman Prepares to Eat It

So, my daily breakfast is ruined forever.

No lie, I'd pack my shit and move. I'd never be able to sleep in my house again. Set the fucker on fire and start a new life.

LOL at the comments posted in the link.

Seriously, bananas are delicious, but can contain a lot of weird shit. Like red fungus that looks like blood. Now I know why many people break bananas apart when eating them. Although, there's nothing sexier than a smokin hot chick slowly eating a firm banana................ cold shower time.

StylinRed 11-05-2013 04:58 AM

got me thinking about roslyn sanchez now

its not nsfw but it is a chick eating a banana so...

melloman 11-05-2013 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hondaracer (Post 8353994)
I've decided I'm going to go ahead and cut it, pics to come
Posted via RS Mobile

Hondaracer 11-05-2013 07:07 AM

Probably won't be cutting till later this week if not next, I'll get em up as they come though lol
Posted via RS Mobile

Fafine 11-05-2013 01:56 PM

^ ill help pull it up! or we'll set up cones on the ground level and ill spot LOL

Jmac 11-05-2013 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by dinosaur (Post 8354226)
Dozens of Deadly Spiders Burst from Banana As Woman Prepares to Eat It

So, my daily breakfast is ruined forever.

No lie, I'd pack my shit and move. I'd never be able to sleep in my house again. Set the fucker on fire and start a new life.

She thought the bananas had mold on them, but decided she was going to eat one, anyways ... :fulloffuck:

kwy 11-05-2013 02:57 PM

BREAKING - Police recover video of Vancouver Mayor smoking what appears to be salmon - The Beaverton - North America's Trusted Source of News

shawnly1000 11-05-2013 07:17 PM

Man stabbed on Grouse Mountain trail | CTV British Columbia News\

Of all places

Hondaracer 11-05-2013 07:51 PM

Don't tempt me!
Posted via RS Mobile

dinosaur 11-05-2013 08:05 PM

Same thing happened to Grid and I. Bought a couch and let the people who delivered it deal with getting it sent a 14 year old kid and a middle aged out of shape woman. They couldn't do it so we had to pay a mover to hoist it up over our balcony....good thing we have huge balconies.

Cost us $200 but at least we did cut our new fucking sofa in half!!!:facepalm:

Gridlock 11-05-2013 08:16 PM

In for the after photos.

shawnly1000 11-06-2013 11:05 AM

HKS PWR 11-06-2013 09:12 PM

.....and Vancouverites bitch about the our public transit/SkyTrain being horrible.....

Vansterdam 11-07-2013 09:26 AM

Like most old-timers, Vancouver’s famed Nine O’Clock Gun has its share of stories, despite its utilitarian purpose and sedentary existence. The gun was made in the Royal Gun Factory in Woolwich, England, in 1816, and was a seasoned war veteran by the time it and fifteen others like it were gifted to the provinces of Canada by the British Government in 1856. First it went to Esquimalt then to its current home in Stanley Park in 1894. When it arrived in Vancouver, it took over as the official time signal from a bell on the Water Street fire hall. Initially it was fired at six o’clock pm to alert salmon fishers to pack it in for the day. It also signalled the New Year, the end of WWI, the start of the Remembrance Day moment of silence, and the death of Captain WD Jones, the Brockton Point lighthouse keeper who for years was in charge of firing the Nine O’Clock Gun.

In 1956, port authorities ordered the gun silenced because they found it was in a “dangerous condition.” The barrel had worn thin and a small hole was discovered. The federal Defense Minister promised it would either be repaired or replaced with a newer 25-pounder model. Fortunately, they were able to fix the original by welding a hundred pounds of bronze onto the barrel. During its absence, ten soldiers brought two 25-pound artillery guns to the park from the Bessborough Armoury to serve as the city’s temporary “curfew cannon.”

This wasn’t the first time the Nine O’Clock Gun went quiet. A defective firing cap caused it to go silent in 1936 and the nine o’clock ritual was discontinued for the duration of WWII. In 1949 it was quiet again after some delinquents stole the gun’s detonator.

In 1960, a lightning bolt set it off, leaving it with electrical issues that made it spontaneously fire at 10:40 pm after the signalman failed to make it fire it at the usual 9:00 pm.

Hooligans messed with the Nine O’Clock Gun again in 1974 by tossing rocks into its muzzle. When the gun fired, the rocks showered down on a police boat and a coast guard cutter in the harbour, so again it was temporarily silenced. A decade earlier, a rock hidden in the gun barrel punched a hole in one of the fuel station barges in Coal Harbour when the gun was fired.

By the 1970s, the Nine O’Clock Gun was set to fire automatically, though not always perfectly. Construction work in the park in 1978 caused it to fire at random intervals for months. At least one shift worker living in the West End was forced to buy an alarm clock to make sure he got to work on time.

Early one snowy February morning in 1969, the 1500-pound Nine O’Clock Gun was discovered missing. Clues at the scene indicated the culprits had some expertise in this type of thing and the timing with the beginning of Engineering Week at UBC pointed to engineering students. A ransom note was sent to the Vancouver Sun:

Dear Sir, As you are probably aware the 9:00 gun has been kidnapped. If the City of Vancouver wants it back a photo of our Mayor Tom Campbell, or a reasonable substitute should appears in the Vancouver Sun on Tuesday donating a hundred dollars to the Children’s Hospital.

The ransom demand was dismissed by Deputy Mayor Hugh Bird, but some civic-minded citizens raised close to four hundred dollars for the Children’s Hospital. The president of the UBC undergraduate society confirmed that the gun would be returned. In the meantime, two UBC physics students crafted a homemade gun to serve as a stand-in for the real thing.

The most recent indignity suffered by the gun was a less successful prank by UBC engineering students in 2008, who painted it red. Perhaps they planned to “kidnap” it again, but discovered it had been welded into place after the 1969 incident.

Vancouver Was Awesome: The Adventures of the Nine O?Clock Gun ? Vancouver Is Awesome

GLOW 11-08-2013 06:41 AM

USA looks like a tran-ny :badpokerface:

Miss USA Wore A Transformers Costume In The Miss Universe Pageant And It Wasn't Even The Most Ridiculous Outfit

fliptuner 11-08-2013 07:04 AM


Embracing powerful women in a transforming country that’s made up of so much. That’s what Miss USA means to me.
:ahwow: :facepalm:

melloman 11-08-2013 07:04 AM

Miss China...

:pokerface: :ohgodwhy: :inout:

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