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Fcukedd 12-19-2012 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by hal0g0dv2 (Post 8111406)
I find that iff my dunbells go up my bench takes a hit since I don't do it as much
Last time I did 4 plates on Bench was month as bit ago, been doing hella dunbells
Posted via RS Mobile

I'm in the same scenario as you. Haven't done barbell benching in 3 weeks, went back to it and lost 2-3 reps on 225lb.

I think my dumbbell is going to be stronger than my barbell soon if I keep this up.

Going back to barbell soon..but it's just so encouraging to be breaking records weekly.

Will post video once I hit dem 120s :fullofwin:


Originally Posted by instantneedles (Post 8111400)
Buddy your bench is going to surpass mine real soon, i'm starting to lose the drive with my bench

I'll use you as my motivation to keep going ;) Have you attempted 315 yet? If I remember've either hit it or you're damn close.

RRxtar 12-19-2012 11:02 PM

ive been doing 100s for like 3 years because my damn gym doesnt go any higher. i do sets of like 12 incline now lol.

if i half ass barbell bench it usually settles around 245 for like 5-6 reps. it takes focusing on lifting heavy twice a week before it will climb and i can get it up to around 300 but as soon as i back off even for 2 weeks it drops right back down.

compare that to dead lifts for example, i can take a month off, and almost lift more the next time lol.

i havent been lifting heavy for quite a while, been focusing more on 10-12 rep range stuff and more auxiliary lifts like flies and raises. its really been helping with growing. but i sorta want to get back into a heavy lift mode again.

hmm, anyone up for a bench challenge?

Meowjin 12-19-2012 11:34 PM

i got mentally beaten yesterday. Still had a sick workout, but now I just want to sit at home and be an emo bitch.


instantneedles 12-19-2012 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by RRxtar (Post 8111547)
ive been doing 100s for like 3 years because my damn gym doesnt go any higher. i do sets of like 12 incline now lol.

if i half ass barbell bench it usually settles around 245 for like 5-6 reps. it takes focusing on lifting heavy twice a week before it will climb and i can get it up to around 300 but as soon as i back off even for 2 weeks it drops right back down.

compare that to dead lifts for example, i can take a month off, and almost lift more the next time lol.

i havent been lifting heavy for quite a while, been focusing more on 10-12 rep range stuff and more auxiliary lifts like flies and raises. its really been helping with growing. but i sorta want to get back into a heavy lift mode again.

hmm, anyone up for a bench challenge?

I'm definetly down, because 315 will be my new years resolution of 2013, and hopefully it won't be my 2014 resolution :okay:

TouringTeg 12-20-2012 07:55 AM

I am in for bench challenge. I'm at 225lb 1x5 and db 100lb 1x5/ 95lb 3x5. Need motivation to break this plateau.

My gym maxes at 120lb db's and I want to be able to flat bench them by Dec 2013

hal0g0dv2 12-20-2012 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by RRxtar (Post 8111547)
ive been doing 100s for like 3 years because my damn gym doesnt go any higher. i do sets of like 12 incline now lol.

if i half ass barbell bench it usually settles around 245 for like 5-6 reps. it takes focusing on lifting heavy twice a week before it will climb and i can get it up to around 300 but as soon as i back off even for 2 weeks it drops right back down.

compare that to dead lifts for example, i can take a month off, and almost lift more the next time lol.

i havent been lifting heavy for quite a while, been focusing more on 10-12 rep range stuff and more auxiliary lifts like flies and raises. its really been helping with growing. but i sorta want to get back into a heavy lift mode again.

hmm, anyone up for a bench challenge?

Posted via RS Mobile

Sure 4 plates for 3 or 3 plates for 10 :troll:

RRxtar 12-20-2012 12:09 PM

ts14 12-20-2012 12:36 PM

bench plateaus suck, took me 3 weeks to break through it

Sid Vicious 12-20-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by BlueG2 (Post 8111387)
you don't resemble the normal population.. also a genetics and your age have to do with a lot with how your body reacts to the garbage you listed that you eat. Also, body fat % does not mean you are healthy. An anorexic bone rack isn't what you would call "healthy, and fit". So because your body fat percentage is low, and you are able to eat all that crap, doesn't mean you aren't high risk of a heart attack by age 40.

hey i plan to be the strongest guy at my retirement home lol

anways, its all about your goals. the only thing i train for is strength and speed (relative to my bw ofc). no amount of eating clean will increase my lifts -the true work is done in the gym and at the track so why deprive myself of tasty foods

macros are for bodybuilders. acquire F = ma, disregard everything else

Wykydtron 12-20-2012 01:29 PM

My shoulder is healing slowly but surely. Hit the gym after my physio today to experiment with what lifts I can slowly start re-introducing without fear of starting prematurely. Biggest lift that gave me problems, and what I think messed up my shoulder to begin with was squatting low bar. My shoulder didn't have the flexibility to grab the bar well, and I forced it, injuring the joint and ligament. I threw some weight on the bar and picked it up high bar. No pain. So it looks like I will start squatting again, high bar until my shoulder is 100% better, and my flexibility is up to par.

ts14 12-20-2012 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Wykydtron (Post 8111991)
My shoulder is healing slowly but surely. Hit the gym after my physio today to experiment with what lifts I can slowly start re-introducing without fear of starting prematurely. Biggest lift that gave me problems, and what I think messed up my shoulder to begin with was squatting low bar. My shoulder didn't have the flexibility to grab the bar well, and I forced it, injuring the joint and ligament. I threw some weight on the bar and picked it up high bar. No pain. So it looks like I will start squatting again, high bar until my shoulder is 100% better, and my flexibility is up to par.

thats exactly what im going through lol, i cant load up at all with low bar but im fine with high bar :okay:

Sid Vicious 12-20-2012 01:53 PM

high bar is better anyways IMO

J.C 12-20-2012 02:40 PM

im a low bar guy

strykn 12-20-2012 03:28 PM

highbar 4 lYFe

dealt 12-20-2012 06:58 PM

Granny squats more than 3/4 of the guys at my gym srs lol

Verdasco 12-20-2012 08:23 PM

to the dude that told us to just shove down a scoop of creatine in our mouths is a genius :joy:

kwy 12-20-2012 08:34 PM

jesus that screaming makes me want to punch a baby

spideyv2 12-20-2012 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Verdasco (Post 8112299)
to the dude that told us to just shove down a scoop of creatine in our mouths is a genius :joy:

still at FW richmond?

Stealthy 12-20-2012 10:01 PM

Will be lifting to this tomorrow for arm day

BinsentoW 12-20-2012 10:27 PM

PR on deadlifts
starting vit d/calcium supp

pinn3r 12-20-2012 10:39 PM

so.. i just hopped on a 24-month contract w/ a friend at the new 24hr Anytime Fitness that just opened up at cedar cottage
35+ tax a month. kinda expensive, but pretty luxurious. hoping i don't regret it
haven't had a serious workout in almost 3 months, hopefully this'll get me back into it

instantneedles 12-20-2012 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Wykydtron (Post 8111991)
My shoulder is healing slowly but surely. Hit the gym after my physio today to experiment with what lifts I can slowly start re-introducing without fear of starting prematurely. Biggest lift that gave me problems, and what I think messed up my shoulder to begin with was squatting low bar. My shoulder didn't have the flexibility to grab the bar well, and I forced it, injuring the joint and ligament. I threw some weight on the bar and picked it up high bar. No pain. So it looks like I will start squatting again, high bar until my shoulder is 100% better, and my flexibility is up to par.

Definetly agree with you. Even for guys that don't have shoulder pain, shoulder flexibility can be quite the issue when its that far down your back and you're having to rely on some of your shoulders to take on some of that weight. I know of a few guys that can't even do high bar because their shoulders are really that inflexibile and sensitive to pain.

Just goes to illustrate how squats really incorporate the full body and justifies its compound aspect. Much like how leg power/hip power can help with a good solid footing and hip drive for bench, and how good hamstring, forearm strength, and back strength delivers a strong deadlift. Sadly enough, one joint injury can really affect all your compounds some way or another...

kwy 12-21-2012 12:10 AM

New dead lift pr, haven't done them in a month. 350lbs

BrRsn 12-21-2012 02:31 AM

SC brahs, holiday hours

fuck these DOMS are killing me. Feels so good though :sweetjesus:

Sid Vicious 12-21-2012 11:02 AM

FYI for anyone looking for affordable, high quality weight lifting shoes max barbell restocked the wei rui warriors

i have a pair and they are fantastic, great for squatting

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