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: HealthCare & Wellness

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  1. LASER body hair removal -
  2. The general wellness & longevity thread
  3. Hemorrhoids, large bowel movements. Any tips?
  4. WFH?! office chair needed dual purpose -work/pleasure
  5. Hair clippers/shaver
  6. Neck/Jaw Nymph Nodes
  7. Extended health benefits
  8. POST-OP physiotheraphy recommendation (Total HIP replacement)
  9. Micro scalp pigmentation (Hairline tattoo)
  10. Bruised Back/Spine
  11. My brother's food allergies
  12. Makeup
  13. Polyphasic sleep schedules
  14. Grade 6 tutoring
  15. Health benefits associated with dining out with your children
  16. Mouth/Saliva Tastes Like Bubble Gum
  17. Experienced Dentist For Occulsion Problem due to Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
  18. indie pharmacy
  19. Viagra or Cialis
  20. Stiff Lower Back
  21. Dehydration and dizziness after pizza
  22. Mindset/Mental Wellness
  23. Recommend a cosmetic Dermatologist?
  24. Blood Tests - high blood pressure, cholesterol, RBC, etc
  25. Vancouver Community College - Student RMT Services
  26. family doctor
  27. Shoulder pain during workout - Physiotherapist Recommendation
  28. Dislcoated my shoulder
  29. Arm tremors when straightening arm after flexing
  30. Men's grooming & barber shops.
  31. liquid nitrogen
  32. ACL reconstruction and torn meniscus?
  33. nootropics supplements
  34. Root canal re-infection
  35. Cantonese speaking doctor or walk-in?
  36. mallet finger - pinky finger all screwed up
  37. Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, RMT
  38. Pectus Excavatum/Chest Discomfort
  39. Chinese Doctor
  40. Full time unemployed student and MSP
  41. Acupuncture
  42. HearingAid
  43. frenuloplasty/circumcision
  44. Fasting (Intermittent/Extended) and/or Keto
  45. Sweaty? Hands,Feet,Armpits
  46. Noticing some grey hair
  47. Dental Issues
  48. Question about blood and urine test
  49. Leg Muscle Indent/Gap/Seperation
  50. Help a long time friend beat AML(Acute myeloid leukemia)
  51. Caffeine alternatives
  52. Constant Upset Stomach
  53. Vasectomy advice
  54. Travel Shaving Kits?
  55. Social Club for Elderly Chinese
  56. Chemo?
  57. Prescription Glasses
  58. Rumble Roller
  59. Dental fillings and implants in Shenzhen border HK?
  60. Toxic Laundry Detergents even at Whole Foods/Capers
  61. coconut oil pulling for teeth
  62. A well researched and written answer to the question "Is Monsanto Evil?"
  63. Orthopedic shoes
  64. Water filters
  65. Anytime Fitness Account Transfer
  66. Recommend any good Dermatologists?
  67. Weightlifting Gloves
  68. posture corrective brace
  69. sprained ankle
  70. cheap place to get medical exam?
  71. Desk Job - Eye Sight
  72. Where to go for back of knee injury?
  73. wheelchair rental and coverage of benefits
  74. Ordering Contacts Online
  75. Need a family doctor
  76. Step Tracker
  77. Club16 referral
  78. What brand of condoms do you use?
  79. Jan 28 is Bell Let's Talk Day (for mental health)
  80. Grocery Shopping for Your Kidney Diet
  81. survey for the guys: masturbation cup
  82. Vapshot
  83. Good dermatologists in GVA?
  84. headache
  85. Glasses prescription question
  86. Appendicitis.. Im dying.. plz help!!
  87. Glossophobia & other anxieties
  88. Septoplasty (Deviated Septum Surgery)
  89. Sprained Ankle
  90. Garcino Cambogia
  91. Recommendation for Kinesiology
  92. Hot heat = not hungry
  93. Hand-foot-mouth disease
  94. Heat exhaustion/stroke
  95. Allergy season
  96. Need help w/ my skin!
  97. whey protein question
  98. [Confidential] How can I improve flexibility during sex?
  99. [Confidential] Skunk type smell from armpits.
  100. Water based Sex lube
  101. canker sores
  102. Anytime Fitness
  103. Jetlag in Kids
  104. need some advice, experiences before going to doctor.
  105. Eczema
  106. shoulder injury
  107. plantar fascilties
  108. super serious quick question:
  109. Smoking after wisdom teeth removed
  110. Facial Creams
  111. Vape/E-Cig Thread
  112. Spa places in Burnaby
  113. Recommendations for an RMT
  114. Broken Ribs
  115. A Doctor that will actually listen/investigate? Chronic Back pain
  116. Choking from mucus and Hard coughs
  117. Random body stings.
  118. Sedation dentistry
  119. Inner chest pain
  120. receding gum lines
  121. Premature Ejaculation
  122. deodorant
  123. Tooth Abscess
  124. what's a good electric shaver?
  125. Memory loss
  126. Flu Shot 2013-4 YAY or NAY?
  127. Nootropic Stacks/Cognitive health Thread
  128. Waking up with sore eyes
  129. Tingling feeling all over after eating eggs?
  130. Knee Pain
  131. Workplace AED's
  132. Jock Itch
  133. Fit Bit
  134. New Canadian Cancer Society campaign: nutiquette
  135. World Suicide Prevention Day
  136. Vaccinations for Kids?
  137. multi vitamins
  138. hairloss and taking propecia. have ED
  139. ANyone here a Chiropractor?
  140. "Last Door" Recovery Society
  141. Shoulder injury... not sure where to go
  142. Float House Vancouver
  143. Summer + dirty feet
  144. Tonsil stones
  145. Oatmeal Face Wash
  146. sun burns
  147. Aloe Vera Leaves
  148. Precordial catch syndrome (PCS) - (sharp chest pain)
  149. Family doc in tri-cities
  150. Gluten Free Eating
  151. Sciatica?
  152. Healthy cereal
  153. Friend might be roofied over the weekend. Need advices.
  154. Allergies (Hayfever)
  155. Ginseng and Swallows Nest
  156. Foot Massager
  157. recommend a good dentist
  158. Body is shivering and weak
  159. Head Shaver Recommendations
  160. Teeth Sensitivity
  161. Grinding Teeth
  162. Lump inside of my ball sack
  163. Chiropractor
  164. Frenulum pain
  165. Leg Muscle Spasms
  166. Hello Everyone...
  167. upper back spine pain
  168. Free Neutrogena
  169. High Ankle Sprain
  170. Guys with big calves attractive?
  171. Teeth Whitening
  172. Abdominal pain
  173. Sports therapy recommendation
  174. Brushing teeth after Alcohol
  175. Constant Pimples appearing, how to stop it?
  176. Eye pain
  177. Kidney Stones
  178. No more ear wax, is that even possible?
  179. Reducing Scars
  180. How will a NDP government affect health care and pharmacy practice?
  181. massage therapy post car accident
  182. Rogaine hair regrowth
  183. Pharmacy mistake
  184. Pineapple Challenge do your part to support Cancer Research!!
  185. Ringing in ear after weight lifting (7weeks and counting)
  186. Burning feeling in hands
  187. Vision Shaping Treatment q
  188. Contact Lenses
  189. Invisalign
  190. Pain in lower back when stepping of left food
  191. Pressure Behind Ear / Blockage?
  192. Places to get a teeth pulled
  193. Hives Help
  194. Stomach Ache!!!
  195. What are some ways to increase semen count?
  196. Looking for YT video on sugar/ldl/hdl
  197. Drinking Milk and Orange Juice
  198. Gym with largest free weight/machine section in Richmond?
  199. immunization shots
  200. First aid kit - where to buy?
  201. New mattress
  202. cysts
  203. think i might have slight anxiety/depression?
  204. Knee Pain..HELP :(
  205. Massage Place In Vancouver?
  206. Protein Bars
  207. Back Pain
  208. Zit/pimple Scars... how to remove them?
  209. Hiccup Cure GUARANTEED
  210. Tonsil Rocks!
  211. Sprayon Tan
  212. Optical Glasses Store
  213. Proflavanol
  214. Psychologist vs Psychiatrist
  215. Reducing fat on face?!
  216. [Confidential Post] The risk of pregnancy and should I be worried?
  217. Bipolar Disorder
  218. Ear Won't Pop
  219. Where to buy knee support
  220. Importance of overall cleanliness
  221. have anyone done laser eyes surgery?
  222. anxiety attacks
  223. Making a documentary on depression... input please!
  224. Coffee addiction
  225. Popped my shoulder during workout
  226. Blown Hamstring=Achilles Swelling too?
  227. mole removal
  228. food poisoning / tummy ache
  229. red face - solutions?
  230. tiny red spots on skin?
  231. Private Practice Dermatologists in the Lower Mainland?
  232. Dermatillomania
  233. Mallet Finger?
  234. *ing mosquitos
  235. Health Care Plan Providers
  236. Floss stuck between teeth
  237. acne - antibiotics
  238. Home Workouts
  239. male grooming
  240. Temporomandibular joint disorder
  241. Eyebrows done for men?
  242. under eye fat grafting
  243. Stuffy nose when i sleep
  244. cause of bad breath??
  245. Dislocated Shoulder
  246. Quarter-life crisis
  247. I just got my appendix out, how long until i can work out
  248. Scoliosis
  249. Leaning weight out
  250. Sleeping Issues