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: HealthCare & Wellness

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  1. Restless leg syndrom
  2. Poo & Pee - what they are telling you
  3. baby monitors?
  4. ADHD
  5. eye creams/ dark line/circle treatment
  6. I have muscle spasams
  7. Depression, how to deal with a loved one with depression
  8. African Mango
  9. How to Meditate
  10. can you recommend a good place for eyebrow shaping?
  11. Getting rid of old scars
  12. Chiropractors/Physiotherapist
  13. Can anyone recommend a good podiatrist?
  14. Private Health Insurance..LF New Plan
  15. Why not use calipers for the elderly or children?
  16. Elbow pain
  17. Eating eggs while you're sick or have a cold
  18. any late walk in clinics open?
  19. Cheap Braces orthodontist/dentist in vancouver
  20. Splitting a two pack electric toothbrush from Costco?
  21. Hyperhidrosis
  22. isolation/flotation tank in vancouver?
  23. Quitting Smoking
  24. Advice on Acne Scarring
  25. Any pharmacists?
  26. bump on gums?
  27. Acne
  28. Allergies
  29. Mourning
  30. Oneworldwhey
  31. Anon Submission: An itchy problem
  32. Carpal Tunnel
  33. SAD
  34. BPA only an issue if heated?
  35. Fuck you shingles
  36. Kefir grains
  37. gum growing over my teeth
  38. Back pain
  39. cancer for the 3rd time..
  40. Really bad lower back pain
  41. Getting rid of visible fade after shaving?
  42. Where should i buy my lenses?
  43. Members Anon: Getting Sacked
  44. Using Champix as a quit smoking aide
  45. RS.net's Newest Sponsor... House of Vision Optical!!!
  46. Black Mica extract?
  47. Convince my younger brother to exercise?
  48. Nausea and Vomiting after eating
  49. left side gluts pain
  50. Facial cleansers
  51. Dizziness
  52. Stomach discomfort
  53. Diarrhea every morning
  54. Gwat Sa/ Gua Sha
  55. Bee Sting
  56. Gums Surgery
  57. cheapest place for mri
  58. Hypertension
  59. Laser Hair Removal
  60. Popping in ankle, knees
  61. Lower back pain causing Ankle pain?
  62. Physio recommendations?
  63. Eye Exams
  64. Hydroxycut
  65. History of needle shots taken? kind of worried about infection from cut off metal
  66. Sore throat
  67. Where do you get your prescription eye glasses?
  68. dentists in richmond
  69. 5 Hour Energy
  70. Lactase Pills
  71. Sleeping with a dry cough
  72. Effectiveness and reliability of physio clinics
  73. Pain on the left elbow area
  74. eye sight help!!!
  75. New gym routine (looking for advice)
  76. Lasik MD
  77. Barrett's esophagus
  78. bump/lump behind ear that comes and goes, tumor?
  79. ganglion on your wrist
  80. Butter vs. Margarine
  81. [Confidential] Herpes, pimples, or in-growns?
  82. Sunscreen
  83. Electric Shaver/Trimmer Suggestions
  84. Pantene Pro-V
  85. Facial Treatment Deal of the day - Photofacial, Diamond Microdermabrasion Treatment
  86. Eyes red after removing contacts
  87. Laser hair removal in the LM
  88. New Approach to Health?
  89. Workout buddy @ Watermania
  90. What harm can 1 cigarette do?
  91. Tongue Pain
  92. Constantly Sick
  93. sodium intake
  94. Circulation in finger is getting cut off
  95. waxing ears
  96. Wisdom teeth/Braces
  97. purple nail
  98. Contact Solution
  99. During the heal time of Corneal Abrasion, redness occurs? is this normal?
  100. Pinched Nerve?
  101. Coal Harbour Eye Centre
  102. Best Shampoo for colored hair?
  103. Men Dry Skin
  104. Not sleepy at all ><
  105. Not eating breakfast.
  106. Anyone go to Steve nash sports club?
  107. Family doctor recommendation
  108. tanning salons
  109. Healthiest cooking oil?
  110. Lost my sense of smell and taste buds
  111. Cheap place for eye exam (prescription glass/ contacts)
  112. Back pain!
  113. Good deal for purple k / 100% optimum whey and others
  114. Facial Hair
  115. "White" tooth filling
  116. migraines and you
  117. gout
  118. dermatologist recommended?
  119. Flossing vs waterpik (or other water jets)
  120. Acupuncturist Needed
  121. Body Cleanses
  122. Recommend a good dentist for wisdom teeth removal
  123. Septoplasty
  124. Serious Problem with Rapid Heartbeat
  125. face color disorientation ?
  126. Ear Hygeiene
  127. Cross eyed, Lazy eye etc
  128. men's shaver
  129. d-bol + deca? (weightlifting + steroids)
  130. Spa treatment
  131. Looking for a good RMT at a Spa in Richmond
  132. what to eat before work
  133. Sprained Ankle - need professional opinion
  134. Dentist Recommendations?
  135. Hiccups
  136. Best Chapstick or Lip Balm
  137. Abdominal pain
  138. Pain left ass cheek.
  139. shoulder muslce pain? help
  140. rib cage pain
  141. Who are some of the best personal injury lawyers?
  142. Registered massage therapist
  143. Face Products
  145. STD/STI Testing
  146. anyone here using sleeping supplements?
  147. Custom Orthotics???
  148. Lose that stomach fat
  149. Pillows Help
  150. Pores
  151. Random numbness in back
  152. Food poisoning/Appendicitis?
  153. Back pain?
  154. Where to get braces cheap?
  155. Dietician (sp?)
  156. physiotherapist recommendation
  157. Some sort of sensitive skin reaction via chlorine?
  158. Ear lobe piercing
  159. Aargon dentist
  160. [Confidential] Depression help?
  161. Vichy shampoo
  162. What happens when you go on a Macrobiotic Diet for 11 years?
  163. Doctor checkups,
  164. Hyperhydrosis
  165. healthy grab and go foods?
  166. freaking allergy
  167. Best tasting protein powder?
  168. supplements online
  169. Chiropractors
  170. contacts for eyes
  171. Unable to tilt my foot, tendonitis help(?)
  172. RMT in downtown/north burnaby
  173. Drinking Coffee Everyday
  174. Strange chest pain problem
  175. Broken Finger and still working
  176. son of a bitch i think i got pink eye..
  177. Accutane - Acne problems
  178. Recommend a good registered massage therapist
  179. lose 10% body fat in 30 days
  180. broken nail
  181. where to by wahl peanut attachments
  182. Eating 6 meals a day does NOT boost your metabolism.
  183. Changes in Pharmacy
  184. Decreasing Core Body Temperature
  185. Waterproof Spray Vapours
  186. The power nap
  187. food poisoning?
  188. Nicotine/Cotinine Tests
  189. Need office snack food recommendations - constant fuel
  190. Need a good Dentist recommendation
  191. Teeth Whitening strips
  192. PVL- Iso Gold
  193. Inflammed gums..please help.
  194. Good Scalp Moisturisers?
  195. What's the best time to excerise?
  196. Difference between these two drugs...?
  197. Serious Sex Question..
  198. Skin rashes and bumps
  199. Hollistic therapy recommendations
  200. I never wake up feeling fully refreshed. Is this sleep apnea?
  201. Herbs to fight acne
  202. healthier living
  203. Leaving the washroom without washing your hands.
  204. what % do muscles volumize when flexing?
  205. shoulder brace
  206. Cheap family doctor for visitor w/o care card?
  207. where to get CPR cert?
  208. Pulled a muscle in my leg....
  209. Got hiccups? Here's a cure...
  210. calories... im confused!
  211. good massage therapist in richmond or van
  212. Sleeping problems
  213. Starting off the New Year:: 7 day cleansing
  214. Bad dreams!
  215. hemorrhoids
  216. Vitamin C
  217. extended health care plan...
  218. Blood Type Diet
  219. top eye lid twitching
  220. Bleeding Nose Cure
  221. the breakfast thread
  222. First Aid Certification
  223. Loss of hearing after getting slapped
  224. Soy or Rice milk FTW?
  225. laser eye surgery
  226. Ensure Protein Drink
  227. facial
  228. Looking for a family doctor in Richmond
  229. Do zig-zags (rollies) expire?
  230. Anybody knows great family doctor in downtown?
  231. skin probs
  232. Chronic lunotriquetral ligament tear
  233. Anon. Submission: To whack off OR not to whack off
  234. How to fix my gag reflex?
  235. Burning Sensation After Drinking
  236. Who has gotten their H1N1 vaccination?
  237. microdermabrasion
  238. Contact Lenses Usage
  239. i do not eat enough fruits or vegatables, is there a supplement i can take?
  240. CPAP supplies?
  241. Anyone use CLINDAMYCIN before? A topical antibiotic to fight acne...
  242. Anybody know a good doc for Chinese medicine?
  244. Reduced Sleep
  245. Cracked Lips
  246. where to buy korean red ginseng locally
  247. Soft Tissue Damage
  248. Atopic Eczema...
  249. Delayed sleep phase syndrome
  250. Good Dentist